Wednesday, August 09, 2006


As today is National Underwear Day, we should celebrate by wearing underwear... I guess. I'm not really sure why we need a National Underwear Day, or how 'National' it even is yet as they're signing petitions or whatever, but it is blogworthy and got me thinking about what I wear under there today so I guess it served it's purpose. I'm not yet ready for doing the tour de KC in just my skivvies to conduct the underwear surveys, but KC isn't yet ready for me either, so it kinda works out.

Tim "no dress code at work, but I think this would be pushing it a little too far" James


Anonymous said...

I added a comment on the gyro post.

Anonymous said...

My bf who is living in South Africa told me that yesterday was 'Women's Day' there. It's a national holiday and people get off of work.

Underwear is important and deserves our support (which is only reciprocal) but Women's Day is the kind of holiday that I can get really get behind. N.U.D, however, is only something that I can get my behind in.


Barrett McLain said...

What is a bf?

Barrett McLain said...

Hey, Tim, I have a 2 pair of really cool AC/DC boxers. One is gray with a big cannon on it, and the other is red and black with a big AC/DC on it.

I was having an underwear shortage, and I found them on sale at Target, both for $3 total. You can't have them.

Barrett "For Those About to Rock" McLain

Anonymous said...

bf = best friend. It's junior high girl vernacular.


Barrett McLain said...

whew. I thought bf = birth father. Man, am I out of touch...been a long time since jr. high. Plus I wasn't a girl...
