A 'textbook-style' definition of negative space lives on your friend and mine here, but I prefer examples (but I have to admit their swan pic is pretty decent).

I think my favorite use of negative space (besides the works of M. C. Escher who has now appeared twice on these pages) is in the logo for the NCAA Big Ten conference. For those who aren't aware, the Big Ten Conference has eleven teams. And that's just what the logo says. Cool, huh?

While we're at it, let's just go ahead and throw in a work accenting negative space by the main man M.C.E. This is his woodcut (another woodcut, dang!) Sky and Water I. This man had a brilliant mind for seeing the patterns and intricacies of things that I can barely comprehend.
Speaking of barely comprehending anything, let's throw in a life application via song lyrics section, okay?
The first song that came to mind was the DMB song mentioned in the title. My most favoritest lines in this song are as follows:
The space between
what's wrong and right
is where you'll find me hiding, waiting for you.
The space between
your heart and mine
is the space we'll fill with timeThen you've got the classic power-ballad from Rush called "Free Will" with the 'more true and complicated than it sounds on first listen' line:If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
Your homework: Think about the negative space this week. The things we don't do, or don't say, or don't think about, or don't pay attention to have just as much impact, and sometimes more, as the things we do. Once again I must use outside material to make a point. Attributed to St. Francis of Assisi:Preach the Gospel always, and if necessary, use words.

Never noticed that arrow before.
Also I would like to say:
And so forth.
Something draws me back to this post, and each time I see the pictures, I am drawn to them. This is one of my favorites, Tim.
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