Monday, December 21, 2009

Brother's Birthday Round Two

A second brother had a birthday after I met, so another movie was made.

Welcome to the talk show: 'Fascinating Members of the Neighborhood' where savvy personality Jack Awesome interviews fascinating people in the neighborhood. Featured in Tonight's Episode: Ninja #3.

I'm still finding my groove with this tool, and lots of Joy along the way, so it's all good.

Speaking of Groove, if you haven't checked out Grooveshark you need to. For reals. It's a great free streaming music website.

Happy Holidays everyone, go cultivate goodness,
Tim "Jolly Old Man" James

Friday, November 20, 2009

My New Super Favorite Toy

Once my good buddy John sent me this link to a pretty funny video about these Hipsters discussing Cyclocross, I was hooked. Well, actually it was after I'd watched the video he sent me, and went to the website and started working on my own movie that I was hooked.

My first video is: Super Saturday, dedicated to my 'little' brother.

I've got the strangest feeling this is just the beginning, so

Welcome! the Revolution!

Tim "like wildfire" James

PS: When using the web versi0n in Firefox, I found that if my mouse pointer went outside of the Flash boundaries for the movie creation, it would reload and lose all unsaved data. This can be somewhat to primal-rage-inducingly frustrating. So I suggest moving your pointer carefully down to the bottom right, clicking "Take 5" to save your work, then come back in to edit it. Now you know.

Friday, August 07, 2009

King of the Wild Things!

When I first heard there was going to be a live-action movie of Where the Wild Things Are, I was less than optimistic. I just knew the movie was going to destroy the exalted place in myself that is occupied by memories of 'reading' this book.

NOTE: 'reading' is in quotes because the book's only got about 9 sentences or something.

However, despite the brevity of the text, I would sit for hours studying the pictures and imagining worlds of unbounded wildness and fun, populated with monsters inspired by the amazing artwork in the book.

There was just no way a movie could capture that feeling.

Then, back in March, the first trailer surfaced.

On first watching, I was choked up and nearly teary-eyed. Wow. This might just work. But I wasn't letting my hopes get up too high because then the dashing against the rocks is always so painful.

Fast forward to August, and the next trailer appears:

This time, I crossed the line from nearly teary-eyed on over into smiling while weeping.

So now I'm letting those expectations soar. Even if the rocks do crush them someday, the time flying will have been worth it.

Tim "The King is dead, long live the King" James

Monday, April 06, 2009

Fun With Compound Words

Nerban Legend: noun. An apocryphal story that spreads quickly and is popularly believed to be true including elements particularly tailored to appeal to those who are single-minded or overly accomplished in scientific, technical, or typically nonsocial pursuits ( i.e. Warhammer 40K, World of Warcraft, Comic Book Guy, etc.) who are felt to be socially inept.

See also: nerban, nerd, urban legend